Hi guys, today, as you see, i keep on with this nostalgic posts...
Now that it's games turn, i'll share with you this AMAZING game, that I think everyone has played. And if you didn't, then it's time to do it, because it's a game for every age.
So, stop talking and enjoy the pokemon tips!
Pokemon Hisory: The Pokémon video game history
It all starts in September 1998 with the Red and Blue versions for Game Boy these were the first Pokémon games in history and gradually won the affection of many fans. Then in November of that same year he was the Pokemon Pikachu but with a virtual pet Pikachu. Then in April 1999 came out on Super Smash Bros for N64 this fighting game Pikachu and Jigglypuff included as selectable players and Pokeball out of which other Pokemon. Then in June of that year he left the Pokémon was a pinball pinball for GB with 2 different boards on which you could catch the 151 Pokemon. A month after the Pokemon Snap came out for N64 in this game you should do tours through various regions taking pictures of the Pokémon of those areas. In November of that year he was the Yellow version a special version of Red and Blue versions where was your starter Pokémon Pikachu.
It came out in March 2000 Pokemon Stadium for N64 in this game you could play with your Pokemon in 3D versions of GB. A month later came out on GBC Pokémon TCG in this game you could play Pokemon cards without having them. In September of that year saw the Pokemon Puzzle League for N64, this would be the first Pokémon puzzle game and it would be the first puzzle game to include a 3D style. A month later came the Gold and Silver versions for GBC these introduced players to a whole new world of Pokémon to a new region and 100 new Pokémon. In November of that year came out on Hey you Pikachu N64 game used a voice recognition system to give instructions to your Pikachu. The last game to come out in 2000 was the Pokémon Puzzle Challenge for GBC, this was an issue of Pokémon Puzzle League for besides that included GBC Pokémon Gold and Silver versions.
The first game out in 2001 was the N64 Pokemon Stadium 2 for this game was an improved version of his ancestor with the ability to use Pokemon Gold and Silver versions. It came out in July 2001 Crystal for GBC version, this version gave us the possibility of using a boy or a girl that gave players a better experience. In November 2001 the Pokemon Mini came out, this game allowed you to play some mini-games Pokémon without a console.
With the departure of NGC came out on Super Smash Bros. Melee, this game could not just use Pikachu and Pichu Jigglypuff but also as well as new Pokémon Mewtwo out of the Pokeball q. The only Pokemon game in 2002 was an upgraded version of Pokémon Pikachu, the Pokemon Pikachu 2 GS including connectivity with better graphics and GBC versions.
In March 2003 came Ruby and Sapphire Versions for GBA, this game introduced players to the Hoenn region where there were 135 new Pokémon and two new teams Aqua and Magma. To commemorate the exodus of Ruby and Sapphire versions came out in August of that year the Pokemon Pinball R / Z for GBA, this version includes 385 catchable Pokémon plus 2 new boards and game modes. That same month, the sequel came out of the Pokemon Pikachu Hey you Channel, this game allowed you to see a GCN TV based on Pokémon.
In March 2004 came out on GCN Pokémon Colusseum for this was the first Pokemon RPG game in 3D, here he could catch the other Pokémon trainers dark purify them and make them your own. Back in September of that year saw the remake of the original versions and the versions Fire Red Leaf Green GBA versions of these contained several improvements among which were the Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire versions
In March 2005 saw the first Pokemon game for DS Pokemon Dash, this racing game to take the Pokémon through various circuits to beat other Pokemon. Then in May 2005 saw the Emerald for the GBA version, this version included a new adventure in Hoenn region that included the Pokémon Rayquaza as Principal. In October 2005 came out for the GCN Pokémon XD, this game was the sequel to Pokémon Colusseum, and although the gameplay was the same was a whole new adventure.
In March 2006, she left the Pokemon Trozei for DS, this game was a puzzle similar to the above except that here together Pokémon symbols representing the types. By September 2006 came the versions Resucue Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team and Blue Team for GBA and DS, these games had a brand new story where you become your Pokémon and you UNIASA a rescue group Pokémon. A month later came out for the NDS Pokemon Ranger in this game you were a Pokémon Ranger in the Fiore region in which he used an instrument called a Capture Styler to capture Pokémon.
The last games were out Diamond and Pearl versions for NDS, in these games you walk into the Sinnoh region and try to capture 493 different Pokemon, it is the first Pokemon game to include Wi-Fi connectivity means to exchange and fight others throughout the world.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did... What a nostalgic post hahaha, i'll bring new staff this week...
I wonder why D=
ResponderEliminarGreat post, I love Pokemon!
ResponderEliminargreat tips thanks for sharing
ResponderEliminarThanks for the history leason, it puts pokemon in perspective!
ResponderEliminarRed/Blue are such classics. I bought a DS a few years back, just to play Pearl, and it was really good too!
ResponderEliminarPfff countless hours playing that game as a kid. Great memories, used to love it hahaha
ResponderEliminarI really miss this game. ;_;
ResponderEliminarWoah, really detailed post, +1 for you. I love all of the pokemon series, I don't think i'll ever get tired of them, even when there are thousands of pokemon.
ResponderEliminarI love pokemon so much! Except for mudkips.
ResponderEliminarCheck out my math blog.
haha i still play this game :) the white version
ResponderEliminarhow many times I've played pokemon games, I got addicted to some.
ResponderEliminarPokemon was one of the drawings that most saw as a kid
great post
Nostalgia bomb!
ResponderEliminarMan this takes me back...
ResponderEliminarI had Red and Yellow... Red was awesome... Yellow was the easiest game I've ever played
ResponderEliminarEverybody loves Pokemon! :)
ResponderEliminarI miss those days...
ResponderEliminarWhen I think about how much time I spent playing this as a kid, it makes me smile :) (and terrifies me if I did it today) :D